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Loan Contract Signing Ceremony for Sinoma’s Zambia Construction Material Industry Park Held in Lusaka

Source: Sinoma Cement Co., Ltd

Date: Nov 8, 2016

On 7th, November Zambia local time, Sinoma’s Mpande Lime Stone Limited Company for which Sinoma Cement Co., Ltd is a major shareholder and Jiangxi Branch of China Development Bank held a loan contract signing ceremony in Lusaka for Sinoma’s Zambia Construction Material Industry Park. Deputy general manager of Sinoma Cement and president of CDB’s Jiangxi Branch signed the contract together.

Ambassador of the PRC in Zambia was present at the signing ceremony. He gave laudatory comments on the cooperation and hoped that the two parties can play their role respectively to ensure project success, further push forward Sino-Zambia cooperation on economy and trade and make due contribution to Zambia’s infrastructure and the friendly partnership between china and Zambia.

Commercial counselor Mr. Ouyang Daobi and political counselor Mr. Chen Shijie of PRC’s embassy in Zambia also attended the ceremony.